Our Brands
The DressCode aims to bring you tried and tested classic styles, from brands you can rely on. Brands with heritage. Brands we believe in to deliver quality and style we can be proud to vouch for.
We search far and wide to find designs and fabrics you will love wearing, whether you are travelling, working, partying or simply enjoying the peace and comfort of your own home.
Academy Brand
- Avenel
- Bamboozld
- Birkenstock
- Bohemian Traders
- Ecco
- Fate+Becker
- Frankie4
- Frockk
- Hugo Boss
- JuJu&Co
- Jungle Direct
- Klipsta
- Lilya
- Muse
- Neo
- Nude Lucy
- Ralph Lauren
- Scotch&Soda
- Shirty
- Status Anxiety
- Tiger Tree
- Tommy Hilfiger
- Travaux En Cours